Главная пара, блокировка, усиленные полуоси и ШРУСы для внедорожников Toyota, Nissan, Jeep, Suzuki!


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Спортивные главные пары из стали ChroMoly 4340 Motive Gear, полуоси, ШРУСы Усиленные полуоси и ШРУСы Trail gear Стойки спортивные ORI Struts, амортизаторы ORI, устройство для заправки азотом ORI, аксессуары блокировки (самоблоки) Powertrax Lockright (локрайт) Усиленные ШРУСы и полуоси LongField Super Axles с пожизненной гарантией из стали ChroMoly 4340 Пневматические блокировки ARB AirLocker, кнопки блокировок, шланги, компрессоры Лебедки, вертикалки, запчасти, WARN сделано в США Стойки спортивные FOX, аиршоки FOX, байпас FOX, амортизаторы FOX, коиловеры FOX, бампстопы FOX, гидроотбойники FOX, запчасти FOX, аксессуары Главные пары Nitro gear и усиленные ШРУСы и полуоси


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    YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая


О компании Yukon gear & axle

В 1982 году основатель Рэнди Лайман впервые открыл свой небольшой магазин  в Сакраменто(Калифорния) при своем сервисе. В 1989 году Рэнди перевел бизнес на тихоокеанскую северо-западную площадку в Редмонде (штат Вашингтон), а затем в Эверетт (штат Вашингтон), в 1994 году, где сегодня находится корпоративный офис.

К 2001 году объем продаж увеличился настолько, что было необходимо новое место. Была выбрана расширенная возможность распространения, близкая к восточному побережью, и компания открыла свой второй распределительный центр в Франклин, Теннесси. В 2002 году Randy's Ring & Pinion расширилась до нового офисного и складского пространства площадью 58 000 квадратных футов в Эверетте, штат Вашингтон, а в 2005 году - третьего склада в Фресно, Калифорния. В 2014 году четвертый склад был расположен во Флоренции, штат Кентукки.

К этому времени компания выросла за рамки местечковой компании, став  всемирной дистрибьюторской, производственной и технологической компанией. По мере того, как разнообразие ассортимента продуктов увеличилось, было принято решение выйти за пределы производства главных пар и стать RANDYS Worldwide Automotive. Сегодня RANDYS является крупнейшим дистрибьютором запасных частей для легких грузовых автомобилей, внедорожников и легковых автомобилей. RANDYS разрабатывает и производит автомобильные бренды Yukon Gear & Axle® и USA Standard Gear®.  

По мнению руководства компании цену за товар определяет не сама цена, а качество. Именно этот принцип дал возможность вырасти до компании мирового уровня, и компания до сих пор продолжает расти и развиваться, не смотря на большую конкуренцию.

Страница: Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая YUKON GEAR
Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая
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Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая YUKON GEAR
YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

AAM 11.5 Dodge & Chevy Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

В цену включена доставка в РФ
Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

AMC Model 20 Yukon Full Spool Steel 29 Spline
YP FSM20-3-29

Yukon Performance spool for Model 20 with 29 spline axles. fits 3.08 and up. Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications. Spools provide 100% power to both tires at all times and are a lower cost alternative to lockers. Spools are not recommended for street driven vehicles. Yukon Performance spools come w...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Chevy Corvette 1963-1979 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 17 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Chrysler 8.75 Yukon Full Spool Steel 30 Spline
YP FSC8.75-30

Yukon Performance 2-1/16" deck steel spool for 8.75" Chrysler with 30 spline axles. Spool uses 2.050" journal bearings (LM104949/12). Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications. Spools provide 100% power to both tires at all times and are a lower cost alternative to lockers. Spools are not...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Chrysler 8.75 Yukon Full Spool Steel 30 Spline
YP FSC8.75-35

Yukon Performance 2-1/16" deck steel spool for 8.75" Chrysler with 35 spline axles. Spool uses 2.050" journal bearings. Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications. Spools provide 100% power to both tires at all times and are a lower cost alternative to lockers. Spools are not recommended f...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Chrysler 9.25 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 30 Yukon Grizzly Locker 27 Spline

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 35 Yukon Grizzly Locker 27 Spline

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 44 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 3.73-Down

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 44 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 3.92-Up

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 44 Yukon Grizzly Locker 2007-Newer Jeep

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

В цену включена доставка в РФ
Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 44 Yukon Grizzly Locker 30 Spline 3.73-Down

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 44 Yukon Grizzly Locker 30 Spline 3.92-Up

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 50 Ford Front Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 50 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 60 Yukon Grizzly Locker 30 Spline 4.10-Down

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 60 Yukon Grizzly Locker 30 Spline 4.56-Up

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 60 Yukon Grizzly Locker 35 Spline 4.10-Down

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Dana 60 Yukon Grizzly Locker 35 Spline 4.56-Up

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Ford 8.8 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 28 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Ford 8.8 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 31 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Ford 8.8 Yukon Grizzly Locker 31 Spline

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Ford 9.75 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 34 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Ford Sterling 10.25 Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...
от 131164

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 10.5 Chevy 14 Bolt Full Spool Steel 30 Spline
YP FSGM14T-3-30

Yukon Performance steel spool for GM 14T with 30 spline axles. fits 4.10 and down. Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications. Spools provide 100% power to both tires at all times and are a lower cost alternative to lockers. Spools are not recommended for street driven vehicles. Yukon Performance spools ...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 10.5 Chevy 14 Bolt Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

В цену включена доставка в РФ
Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 10.5 Chevy 14 Bolt Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

В цену включена доставка в РФ
Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 7.5 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 26 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 7.5 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 28 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 8.2 Buick/Olds/Pontiac Yukon Duragrip Posi 28 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 8.2 Chevy 10 Bolt Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 28 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 8.5 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 28 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 8.5 Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 30 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 8.875 Chevy 12 Bolt Car Yukon Duragrip Posi 30 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 8.875 Chevy 12 Bolt Car Yukon Duragrip Posi 33 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgr...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

GM 9.5 Chevy 14 Bolt Yukon Duragrip Posi Differential 33 Spline

The Yukon Dura Grip provides aggressive yet smooth traction to give you the confidence & performance you need. Get longer life and better traction with the heavy duty Yukon Dura Grip Positraction. The Yukon Dura Grip uses a nodular case and forged 4320 internals for added strength along with composite clutches for high performance and long life. All units are Rebuildable and many offer upgrades to...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Rockwell 2.5 Ton 16 Spline Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Toyota 8 Inch 4cyl Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Toyota 8 Inch V6 Yukon Grizzly Locker

The Yukon Grizzly Locker is the ultimate in locking differentials for street, off-road, & drag racing. Grizzly Lockers provide 100% power to both tires, while still allowing for disengagement while negotiating turns. The Yukon Grizzly locker is a mechanical locking differential. It features 8620 internals for maximum strength. It's patented design reduces common locker failures. All units a...

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024

YUKON GEAR » Блокировка дифференциала (самоблок) автоматическая

Блокировка для Toyota 9.5 Landcruiser Yukon Grizzly Locker

Блокировка дифференциала для моста TLC 9.5", 30 шлицов. Характеристики: • Диаметр ГП: 9.500 • Кол-во болтов редуктора: • Кол-во болтов ГП: 12 • Кол-во шлицов: 30 • Размер гайки хвостовика: 30mm • Сделано в США Подходит для автомобилей: Toyota FJ-40 Land Cruiser (1960 - 1984)    Toyota FJ-60 Land Cruiser (1981 - 1990)    ...
от 104940

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Цена актуальна на 17.05.2024